Our approach

The Management Consulting of M&IT Consulting is based on our approach that is:

  • SOLID: directed to concrete goals/results, measurable and shared with the customer
  • SIMPLE: projects are set up and implemented in the most linear way and with the least effort possible
  • STRUCTURED: projects are organized and managed with methodologies and tools consolidated in the time
  • EXPANDABLE: Each activity is open to the possibility of creating continuity with any future projects.

But it is a customer-focused approach, that means it provides added value to the customer through customized solutions, measurable results and skill growth.

The distinctive features of M&IT Consulting are:

  • EXPERIENCE with important business realities. We know the company’s reality thanks to the experience gained in multinationals and other consulting companies, both as a manager and as consultants.
  • METHOD. Adoption of all the tools of Management Consulting, both the most traditional and consolidated ones, and the most modern and innovative ones.
  • SINERGY in customer service. We work with highly skilled technical partners, who share our approach and provide high-value-added solutions.
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M&IT Consulting Srl
via R. Longhi, 14/a - 40128 Bologna - tel. 051 6313773 - fax 051 4154298
Email: info@mitconsulting.it - PEC: mitconsulting@pec.it
Iscritta al R.I. di Bologna | C.F. 91197950370 | P.I. 02086101207 | Capitale sociale € 100.000,00 i.v.