Stefano Panichi

Stefano Panichi, a graduate of Milan University, has been Quality-Safety-Environment Manager at two leading Lombardy service companies. Since 2012 he has held the qualification of RSPP, Head of Prevention Protection Service.

He has been a Management Consultant and Risk Management Expert for M&IT Consulting since 2016, as well as a Partner.

He has in-depth knowledge of organizational processes and corporate compliance inherent to the “public utilities and energy” sector having coordinated and led numerous projects on Legislative Decree 231/2001; quality-safety-environment management systems in accordance with the respective international standards (he is Auditor of ISO 45001, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 37001 management systems); privacy and GDPR compliance; corruption prevention plans (Law 190/2012) and transparency (Legislative Decree 33/2013).

He is a lecturer in training interventions on the topics of Legislative Decree 231/2001. He holds qualified positions of Supervisory Board 231.


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