About us

M&IT Consulting, a consultancy and training company, was founded in June 2000.

The company is managed directly by partners, united by common cultural and professional roots, by a strong sharing of ethical values and an awareness of the value of integrating and sharing their know-how and professional experience.

M&IT Consulting aims to develop innovative and customized solutions for industrial and services companies, integrating the experience gained in Management Consulting with the skills acquired in the field of Information Technology.

Our team is made up of about twenty consultants/trainers who have gained extremely synergistic and complementary professional experience both in important business companies and in management consulting companies.

Over the years, the company has supported and accompanied more than 550 clients from various sectors and carried out more than 1300 projects.

Since 2002, the M&IT Consulting Quality System has been ISO 9001 certified for the design and delivery of consulting and training services.

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Personal information

Tipologie di dati raccolti e finalità del trattamento
I dati personali raccolti tramite questo form sono finalizzati a ricevere informazioni relativamente ai servizi di consulenza e formazione offerti da M&IT Consulting Srl.
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Per tutte le altre informazioni in merito al trattamento dei dati raccolti, si rimanda alla Privacy Policy pubblicata sul presente sito.

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M&IT Consulting Srl
via R. Longhi, 14/a - 40128 Bologna - tel. 051 6313773 - fax 051 4154298
Email: info@mitconsulting.it - PEC: mitconsulting@pec.it
Iscritta al R.I. di Bologna | C.F. 91197950370 | P.I. 02086101207 | Capitale sociale € 100.000,00 i.v.